Drawing Games for Kids: Rewards for Hard Work
Building in Drawing Breaks
Some days kids are going to be less focused and goofy, which I think is important to embrace even in a structured learning environment. The last thing a kid in my studio wants is to feel squashed in their creative energies. For this purpose, I have a few drawing games for kids that keep their fingers and brains moving even when they are being silly. While my goal is to teach them a disciplined, rigorous skill base that is equivalent to a college drawing class, the kids I work with are KIDS.
I usually structure my 55-minute classes with an optional break for younger kids for the days they are a little more rambunctious. Twenty-five minutes of focused drawing, 5 minutes of break, twenty more minutes of drawing what I ask of them to draw, and then they’re done! This builds in a reward system so they know if they do their work, they get to play with me. I’m pretty fun to play with if I do say so myself!

“Butt crack” was thankfully turned into “best friends”! And “itchy sweater” is communicated very well in this drawing!
Games You Can Try With Your Child Too!
One break activity I offer is several drawing games. One drawing game I do with my kids is the Creative Mark Game. I make a mark on a piece of printer paper in one color, and they use another colored pencil to creatively turn it into whatever they imagine. The drawings they produce are straight from their imagination and reflect the different personalities of each student. Some students create continuous story lines, some illustrate different concrete ideas, and some just draw random oddball imaginings. Check out “itchy sweater” which is very effectively communicated and “buttcrack” scratched out and turned into “best friends”! They are pretty fun for me to see too! I usually laugh when we do this together.
This is an easy decompression time and release that they could probably play for hours. While their drawings aren’t usually using the skill sets I teach them, they are still building motor skills, embracing imaginative play, and using drawing to express their inner worlds. These are all great things for kids ages 5-10. In this post, you’ll see three different examples from three kids, ages 7, 9, and 10. This is also a great game for times you’re waiting in line with kids, or have arrived at an appointment early. Keep a scratch pad in your car and play to pass the time!