How to Draw Videos, a New Website & Moving Art Studios (twice!) – oh my!
Hey all! Just wanted to pop on and say SORRY my blogging has taken a backseat for over a year now! 2015 brought an anticipated and much planned for studio/office move in June; followed by the start of my filming online tutorials for you immediately after. It was quite a project! And then what happened was an unplanned and unanticipated studio/office move in October; the planned for website reconstruction and launch of the youtube channel and videos at the same time.
All while teaching a couple of group classes and about 20-25 students a week and running the business. Whew! All I can say is that I’m happy I survived (especially the unanticipated studio move, that was the worst!). The new studio/office, new website and new videos are awesome! I’m loving life, my students, and the work I do with all you as usual. I hope you check out the tutorials online here on the site, or on YouTube. Will be bringing some musings to you again by blog, but mostly you’ll see me in the new video formats- with one new free video being posted EVERY WEEK! So stop by the and check out the LZM Studio Video Tutorials on site or LZM Studio YouTube Channel and say hi! Show me what you’re working on in your drawings, and let’s connect. Here is to a breezy 2016!
Thanks for watching, liking, subscribing & commenting! Your views help a small business to grow! For more in-depth online drawing tutorials & a forum with other drawing students & support from me: