Vote for My Sxsw Edu 2018 Presentation: The Talent Myth, Drawing Is a Teachable Skill

by | Aug 24, 2017 | drawing and the brain, drawing breakthroughs, drawing lessons, how to draw, kids drawing | 0 comments

Vote for My Sxsw Edu 2018 Presentation: The Talent Myth, Drawing Is a Teachable Skill

I need your vote!

Can you please take 2 minutes and register with SXSW to vote for my proposed presentation at the SXSW Edu conference in 2018? Your vote counts for 30% of my chance of getting there to show the world that more kids can learn to draw if they just have quality instruction- just like they do in reading and math! Help me reach more schools, education thought leaders, and kids who want to learn to draw by voting here.

Thanks for reading! Your views help a small business to grow! For more in-depth online drawing tutorials & a forum with other drawing students & support from me: