Wescott Dusting Brush Giveaway!
This contest runs June 13 through June 19, 6pm CST 2019.
The winner will be announced June 20 by video on LZM Studio’s Youtube Channel!
LZM Studio is giving away a Wescott Dusting Brush! First off, we had a technical problem last week, so we are re-running this giveaway starting June 13th, 2019. Please enter again, in case your entry was not preserved in the tech glitch. Thanks!
To enter the Westcott Dusting Brush giveaway,
- First, subscribe to the LZM Studio youtube channel
- Next, enter your name and email below. You will be asked to verify your email. Your email address will be added to LZM Studio, LLC’s database for periodic newsletters (0-12 of them per year). Lastly, We won’t spam you and you can unsubscribe at any time. Thanks!
Thanks for reading! Your views help a small business to grow! For more in-depth online drawing tutorials & a forum with other drawing students & support from me: www.lzmstudio.com