adults drawing, drawing and the brain, drawing breakthroughs, drawing corporate training, drawing lessons, how to draw, mindfulness
On Being and Making Artwork The conversation about race and trauma in America at this moment (and for four hundred years) is extremely relevant to art students and art teachers. This episode of On Being with Krista Tippet informs much of what I have had to...
adults drawing, drawing and the brain, drawing breakthroughs, drawing corporate training, drawing lessons, how to draw, kids drawing, mindfulness, Uncategorized
The Energy of Drawing Tis the season where the temps go low and the energy goes high. More to-do lists, more weather delays, more sugar, more together time, more, more, more! The energy can just get to be too much. There is a joy to the season for many things,...
adults drawing, drawing supplies, giveaways!, how to draw, kids drawing, Uncategorized
Xacto Bulldog Vacuum Mount Pencil Sharpener Giveaway! This art supply giveaway contest runs October 17 – October 23, 6pm CST 2019. The winner will be announced October 24th by video on LZM Studio’s Youtube Channel! To enter the Xacto Bulldog Vacuum Mount...
drawing and the brain, drawing breakthroughs, drawing lessons, how to draw, kids drawing
Vote for My Sxsw Edu 2018 Presentation: The Talent Myth, Drawing Is a Teachable Skill I need your vote! Can you please take 2 minutes and register with SXSW to vote for my proposed presentation at the SXSW Edu conference in 2018? Your vote counts for 30% of my chance...
adults drawing, drawing breakthroughs, drawing lessons, how to draw, kids drawing, mindfulness, Uncategorized
Why Take Drawing Lessons? You Used to Love Drawing Then something happened: They told you you couldn’t draw well. You couldn’t figure out how to make it look “right”. They told you, you didn’t have “the eye” for it....
drawing lessons, how to draw, kids drawing
Austin Summer Camps for Your Creative Kiddo In this post, we’ll be discussing Austin summer camps for your creative kiddo. Parents of the kids I work with are often asking me about Austin summer camps that I recommend. It takes so much education to...