adults drawing, drawing breakthroughs, drawing lessons, giveaways!, how to draw, kids drawing, Laurie's artwork
Free online drawing course! Enter to win 6 months of my online drawing course for free, The LZM Drawing Method. The giveaway begins Thursday, November 19, and ends Wednesday, November 25 at 5pm CST, 2020. You’ll be winning 6 months of free online drawing course...
Laurie's artwork, Uncategorized
Christmas in July? You’re probably not thinking about Christmas right now, since it’s July. But last December someone found my website and asked me to draw a picture of their daughter’s house for a Christmas present. I rushed and got it done in two...
adults drawing, drawing lessons, how to draw, kids drawing, Laurie's artwork, Uncategorized
Hey, Tomato! It has been toooo loooong since I’ve blogged for y’all. Check back soon, because I’ve got new images of students’ drawings and my artwork, tips about learning to draw, new workshops, COMING SOON online and skype lessons (whoohoo!...