Welcome to LZM Studio Private Lessons
Please go through the following paperwork a week prior to your first lesson. This information helps you to understand what supplies you’ll need to bring to lessons, how I schedule & handle cancellations for lessons. The new client contact form helps me to stay in touch with you and informs me how to best approach your learning needs.
LZM Studio New Client Contact Form
Please fill this out so I am able to contact you regarding your lessons & know of any special learning needs you may have. You may opt in to receive my periodic newsletter (maximum 1-2 times per month, but that is rare, it is typically a couple times a year).
LZM Studio Policies
Please read, ask any questions you may have prior to our first lesson. Any special requests for different policies must be agreed to in writing prior to the start of lessons. I will ask you to sign this at your first lesson.
LZM Studio Release Form
Please print & fill out prior to our first lesson or plan to spend a few minutes at our 1st lesson on this form. This form releases LZM Studio from accident/injury during lessons; acknowledges my policy on early drop off/late pick up of minors; lets me know if I can take photos of you/your artwork to share in marketing materials; confirms your agreement that you will not use LZM Studio teaching content for sale without my agreement.
LZM Studio Credit Card Form
Please print & fill out prior to our first lesson or plan to spend a few minutes at our 1st lesson on this form. I send a monthly invoice on the 15th of the month for the upcoming month. You may opt to have me charge your card on a monthly basis (after I’ve sent your invoice for the upcoming month) to avoid late fees. If you wish to pay by cash/check for my cash discount, you may do so, but I require that you keep a credit card on file for me to charge if you neglect to confirm or cancel your scheduled lessons for the upcoming month by the 22nd of the month or neglect to pay by the 1st of the month for lessons you have not cancelled.
LZM Studio Art Supplies for Private Lessons
You will need these ART SUPPLIES each week for private lessons at the studio. I am happy to provide supplies on the occasions you forget them, but please make a habit of bringing your supplies each week.