adults drawing, drawing and the brain, drawing breakthroughs, drawing corporate training, drawing lessons, how to draw, mindfulness
On Being and Making Artwork The conversation about race and trauma in America at this moment (and for four hundred years) is extremely relevant to art students and art teachers. This episode of On Being with Krista Tippet informs much of what I have had to...
adults drawing, drawing and the brain, drawing breakthroughs, drawing corporate training, drawing lessons, how to draw, kids drawing, mindfulness, Uncategorized
The Energy of Drawing Tis the season where the temps go low and the energy goes high. More to-do lists, more weather delays, more sugar, more together time, more, more, more! The energy can just get to be too much. There is a joy to the season for many things,...
drawing and the brain, drawing breakthroughs, drawing lessons, kids drawing, Uncategorized
Student in the Spotlight: Avery New Section of the Blog The Student in the Spotlight is my favorite new section of my blog to write, as I have great student results to share with you over the years I have been teaching private lessons. Each Student in the Spotlight...