This is the first of a series of videos on Line Quality: Hatching. Learn how to draw with hatching in graphite.
Follow along with this series of videos to learn more about different types of lines (and shading) you can employ in your drawings. I recommend picking a simple object, like an apple, and draw the same object 8 times with the different styles I go over in the videos. This will teach you so much about mark-making, your materials and also how to express meaning in the way you edit and execute a form. Hopefully it will free you up to not just draw what you see- but play, experiment and get the creativity flowing without attachment to the results. You’ll find you love some line styles and have less connection with others- but it’s all good discovery, even when you don’t like certain line qualities!
This first video goes over hatching, a way of layering lines that are parallel in order to shade in a section or object. It’s a classic technique that you will see in old etchings, books and drawings from early Europe to modern art.