Review: Wolff Carbon Pencils

by | Jun 28, 2018

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New Tool Discovery: Wolff Carbon Pencils


Here’s another Carbon Pencil review! You might want to compare this review to my review of the Staedtler Mars Lumograph Black carbon pencils, because they are similar and yet so different.
I’m still more of a fan of graphite over carbon, but I’m certainly happy to have carbon pencils in place of the way too crumbly charcoal pencils!


Here’s a link to purchase:

Wolff Carbon Pencils Value Scale

Wolff Carbon Pencils Value Scale


Left: Staedtler Mars Lumograph Black carbon pencils, Right: Wolff Carbon Pencils

Left: Staedtler Mars Lumograph Black carbon pencils, Right: Wolff Carbon Pencils


Wolff’s Carbon Pencils

Wolff’s Carbon Pencils


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I have no relationship with the manufacturers/dealers of this product, I just have experience using it in my artwork/teaching.